The district of Sietzsch belongs to the idyllic small town of Landsberg and lies directly on the A9 (motorway 9). Therefore there are very good connections in the directions of Munich / Berlin and to the A14 Dresden / Magdeburg motorway. The airport in Leipzig is only 10 minutes away and in only roughly 5 minutes more the Leipzig Trade Fair centre can be reached. The major towns of the region, such as, for example, Halle / Saale, Leipzig and Dessau or the smaller towns and communities in the Saalkreis can be reached quite easily via the motorways. Landsberg can be reached via the A9 motorway, Halle/Bitterfeld exit, and carry on straight ahead on the B100 in the direction of Landsberg.
The site is located to the east of Sietzsch in a commercial and industrial area. The designation as a commercial and industrial area took place in accordance with the development plan of the 17.02.1994.