The Development of the Green Energy 3000 Group
20 years anniversary
First solar-battery storage projects
in Germany
Foundation of Green Energy 3000 Project Management LLC in Dubai
Foundation of project company in São Tomé and Principe
Construction of the first solar park in Kazakhstan develped by Green Energy 3000 (50 MWp)
Construction of the first solar park in France (12 MWp)
Foundation of Green Energy 3000 France s.a.r.l.
Opening of subsidiary in Kazakhstan, construction of the first wind park in France (8 MW)
Foundation of Green Energy 3000 Holding GmbH
Foundation of Green Invest 3000 GmbH and further steps towards internationalisation
Construction of the first solar park with an installed capacity of >10 MWp
Foundation of Green Energy 3000 s.r.o. in Czech Republic
Foundation of VEN’SOL’R s.a.r.l. in France, first solar park in Germany
Foundation of Green Energy 3000 GmbH in Leipzig
Planning and construction of first wind power and photovoltaic installations, activity as a wind resource consultant