Use of the unlimited energy of the sun!

Use of the unlimited energy of the sun!

We have made this our mission. Our experienced project developers are constantly on the move looking to secure suitable locations for the generation of electricity. High returns can be achieved through the combination of high output, long-lived solar modules with first-class inverter technology.

Our Competences

  • Conclusion of lease contracts with attractive conditions for landowners
  • Approval planning for redevelopment and conversion premises and large roofs
  • Preparation of technical drawings such as location and circuit diagrams, system schematics
  • Calculation and design of cables, lines and plant components at the LV and MV levels
  • Implementation of grid connection procedures
  • Preparation of yield forecasts
  • Application of tracking and fixed framework systems
  • Optimum system configuration with minimum shading for the highest possible yield
  • Preparation of feasibility studies
  • Construction supervision and coordination
  • Turnkey installation of photovoltaic systems
  • Planning, implementation and operations management from a single source
The video and subtitles are in German.


Workerszell 1
Installierte Leistung
2,044 MWp
Installierte Leistung
10 MWp
Großschirma 1
Installierte Leistung
5,1 MWp + 1,7 MW / 3,84 MWh
We are looking for sites
Don't leave your roof or undeveloped space unused any longer, instead, make your space available for the installation and operation of photovoltaic or wind power plants and take part in the energy revolution!
Invest in green technology
There are numerous investment opportunities in the fields of photovoltaic and wind energy. An investment from approx. 100,000 Euro enables the direct purchase of solar energy systems in a large solar park.
The power of wind
We have already been using the power of the wind since 1994. From the acquisition and securing of land, we manage each and every project right up to the handing over to the investor.